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Tapestry Of Sound
Tapestry Reloaded
Your favourite lez-loonatics Roza & D. Tiff are back at it with the Tapestry Of Sound; Reloaded - revamped and ready to rock your local dancefloor. With 3 freaky sleek OG cuts from the dynamic duo and a deliciously danceable remix from the progressive prince Olsvanger, you’d be a stupid boy to miss out on this one. Expect all the classique Step Ball Chain-isms & more, tongue & cheek techno, percussive paradise and bass heavy bombs, with a few naughty noughties references for the True HeadsTM.
Don’t take yourself so seriously darling, it’s just dance music! In the words of Kelly...
Whip It Up
Whip It Up
Short Skirt, Straight Jacket
Stupid Boy